Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bruce got sentenced to 10 years

Here's the News :

I'm crying and listening to loud rock music. Not sure how else to function at the moment. So I guess I'll share my pain with you.

As someone called to this synod by Bruce and then as one who was ordained by him… I'm very attached. I will hold all other Bishops up to his standard. It is very high.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

The church does a horrible job of talking about sex. Pretty much, we just avoid talking about it or we tell teenagers to "wait for marriage."I've heard people say their defense of this is "because it's in the Bible." That annoys me. Maybe I missed it?

Just read a great blog post by Jaime the Very Worst Missionary where she writes:
"To top it off, we've done a really bad job of teaching about sex in the Church. Our approach has been to shame girls for having it, and shame boys for wanting it. And when the smart kids ask, "Why wait?", we shrug our shoulders like a hillbilly and say, "Because the Bible says." Then we give the girls a purity ring and we give the boys nothing and we cross our fingers and hope they'll cross their legs. So dumb."
When I was in high school, I attended a class called "Good Sex" at a friends church. It was taught by the Youth Pastor and his pregnant wife. They began the class by saying, "So, we've had sex. Obviously." It was great! Well, some of the theology was superb. Some of it was stretched.

You've all seen this literal drawing, right?
I recall a lesson on "Do not stir or awaken love until it pleases." It's from Song of Solomon, that sketchy book about breasts and climbing them. And what that doesn't say is "wait to have sex until you are married." What it does say is, "Don't manipulate and force love. Wait for the right time."

Honestly, I'm not fussed if people have sex before they are married. I'm fussed if people abuse the holy act that is sex. I hate the idea that I could go out to a club and get picked up by a guy I've not previously met and go back to his place and have sex with him and then never see him again.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Being Girly and Pastor-like

Me at my Ordination in Dec 2012
I am a female pastor. Well, really, I'm a female AND I'm a pastor… but the two separate identities are so intertwined that when I discuss one, the other arises.

The topic of women in ministry is in many ways a very old debate and in others, still quite new. My church body, the ELCA, has been ordaining women since 1970. I had a female pastor in the church I was confirmed in. I knew that female pastors were rare, but there was never a time that option was closed to me as it was to women even a generation before me. 

I remember thinking, when I first considered being a pastor, that I didn't want to become a frumpy pastor. This is tragically judgmental commentary on how I felt about female pastors at the time. Most of the females I had met in ministry had short hair, dressed in pants and button up tops, and were not…. girly. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Romeo and Juliet kill themselves for love (and other reasons to listen to teenagers)

"My child is yet a stranger in the world; She hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride." -Daddy Capulet

Juliet is 14. The character is so often portrayed by a woman in her 20's or 30's that I worry that we miss much of the story. Romeo and Juliet are teens. They have so much passion. Juliet threatens to kill herself once, drinks a potion that might kill her or will ideally let her sleep for 72 hours, and ultimately takes a dagger to her own body. 

Suicide. Two attempts. One complete. And that's just Juliet. Romeo wants to die as soon as he hears that he is banished. He also threatens to kill himself unless someone can come up with a solution to this banishment which means he cannot be with his love. He drinks poison and dies by a sleeping Juliet's side.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Q&A, Millennial style

I just got back from a week long mission trip with 50+ teenagers. I'm still recovering from the lack of sleep. But I'm also reveling in the amazing conversations that I had at midnight that caused the lack of sleep.

Did you know that teenagers ask amazing questions? Seriously. Everything from LGBTQ questions to the realities of heaven and hell. And the answers from me are taken with a grain of salt (or two) and added to the mix of all the answers and information available at the moment. They weigh what they hear from religious "authorities" against what they experience in their daily lives, in and outside of a church building.

This is how our generation operates. We question. We discuss. The conclusions we draw are rarely case closed, period, end of sentence. We're open to ideas that might come to us years down the road. We've seen too many people so staunchly fixed to their beliefs that anytime those ideas are threatened, people get hurt.