Sunday, May 18, 2014

QPR: like CPR for Suicide

In between worship services today we had a training on QPR - the CPR of suicide prevention. The idea is that as we talk about suicide as a culture and recognize those tell tale warning signs, the very high suicide rate will decrease. I even corrected a few of my own misunderstandings and myths during the workshop.

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer. You can get trained in an hour. The idea is that EVERYONE needs to get training on this, much like we as a culture have responded to breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, and heart disease.

Suicide has to stop being taboo. We all have to be bold and brave and ask that question that feels crazy, "Are you thinking about killing yourself?" She assured us that no one has ever been pissed for being asked this.

So there's that.

Also, if you are thinking about killing yourself, please call 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE. I'm here, too.

Just purchased. Will let you know how it goes.
It's at this point in my growing awareness of suicide and suicide prevention that I question what the Holy Spirit is up to in my life. It seems to be a case of that really annoying insistent nagging feeling that God is calling my attention to this for a reason. A reason that has to do with the course of the rest of my life, my vocation, training, passion, and pursuit. You know, epic things.

-I'm tired of people dying when it can be prevented. 

-I'm tired of seeing the massive destruction left behind from those who have completed suicide, especially on families that are dear to me and in my congregation and network of friends. 

-I'm tired of people my own age believing there is no hope.

-I worry for those I love.

So is this just a curious set of coincidences? Just a tragic trend that is finally becoming more clear for us today? Or does this all smack of the Holy Spirit?


Okay, holy spirit, nudge received. Loud and clear. (And thank you.)

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